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Tantric Priestess In-Person Training

9 Days (8 Nights) of In-Person Training in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala:

October 19th - 27th

Do you Desire to Level Up your Sacred Healing

in Service to the Masculine?

Be Initiated as a Tantric Priestess,

Channel for the Goddesses, Heal Through Unconditional Love,

and Live Your Soul’s Calling...

"Shift from a life lacking direction, purpose or security to being a fully embodied, abundant Priestess, channeling the work of the Goddesses and having a sacred sisterhood that supports you."

Beloved Sister...

Do you remember that strength, that deep wisdom guiding you, the energy coiled within you?

Do you long to rekindle the joy and natural flow that once filled your being?

Remember, Priestess, the cosmos mirrors your essence.

The creatrix, the stardust – it all lies within you.

But harmony is fading. The Goddess' rhythms, once vibrant, now feel distant. We were once connected, radiating joy and freedom.

Yet, a spark remains. We are called to remember, to reignite this fire not just for ourselves, but to awaken it in men.

Isis invites you, Priestess. You have the power to guide men back to their divine potential. Embrace the ancient knowledge, channel sacred energy, and heal the masculine spirit.

The Divine Mother is here to guide you to be a channel of love, healing and compassion for other women in the path of wholeness and rekindle their sexual creative force within.

This is your calling. Answer it, Sister. Embrace the power within and become a conduit for the resurgence of both the divine feminine and masculine, walking hand-in-hand under the ever-present radiance of the Goddess.

Priestess, you’ve always known you have spiritual gifts to awaken….

This is Your Journey to Becoming a Tantric Priestess

You’ve felt it deep within and seen glimpses of it in your dreams.

What’s holding you back?

Fear, self-doubt, feelings of unworthiness, or fear of being ostracized by friends or family?

This training will help you overcome these barriers, awakening your spiritual gifts and stepping into your purpose.

As you embody your most vibrant and magnetic self, you will inspire others, serving and healing many men and bringing balance to the world.

Join us for this transformative journey and step into your role as a Tantric Priestess.

Awaken your priestess codes and elevate your life and the lives of those you serve...

Secure your spot today and embark on this powerful path of healing, sisterhood, service to the earth, and spiritual leadership.

"The Tantric Priestess Path is for self-actualized women who feel a call in their soul to serve Earth at a high level through Tantric touch and want to make this their Purpose-Driven Business."


Press play to watch a testimonial from one of our graduated Tantric Priestesses!

Kristen Kalisee Priya, 30

"I completed a Tantric Priestess Immersion Training with Yulia and it was a truly incredible. experience. It felt more like a deep remembering than a learning. Like I got to receive the knowledge of how to use these ancient sacred practices. And yet, being in the space just felt so natural and safe. With Yulia there guiding me, I was able to learn how to hold a really safe and loving space for the masculine and to get to see how someone can heal and transform so quickly in spaces like that."

Inanna Violet, 36

"I worked in the porn industry and I got exhausted from it. I knew I wanted to work with my sensuality but in an empowered way.

I learned the sacredness in sexuality, and I learned to value myself as a practitioner, seeing the value in my inner calling, and the transformational tantric journey I offer to men. I learned to
heal men through my unconditional love. Now, I offer tantric healing sessions where I'm not only connected to my purpose, but also charge the right price for my skills."

Wendy, 42

"I knew how powerful my erotic energy is, but I felt I hadn't tapped into the full potential. I learned many tantric skills with Yulia that I
integrated into my existing practice immediately how to resource myself
and how to take better care of my energetic body. I feel
more confident and educated
which really made me understand the value of what I offer to the world."

Olivia, 23

"I would recommend anyone to work with you.

Having someone who can coach you, is trained and is living it, to say, ‘Let me show you how’…

is incredible."

“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

- Rumi

What you will experience in our Training...

  • Hands-On Experience - Receive Live Demos of the massages on real men, then practice yourself with direct feedback from us to ensure you are ready to offer your services at your highest and charge for sessions upon graduation.

  • Sisterhood - We are not meant to do this sacred work alone. Feel held and celebrated by fellow Priestesses and build lasting friendships that will create your sisterhood for emotional moments and professional support.

  • Spiritual Awakening - Our training will help you break free from self-doubt, scarcity mindset, and fear. Embrace your destiny as a spiritual priestess leader, elevating and healing those around you.

  • Goddess Initiation - You are a channel of the Goddess doing this work. Be initiated into the way of the sacred temple lineages.

The truth is — you don't always have to go into the pain to heal, you can also heal through pleasure...

What's included:

  • Food and Training

  • Boundary Work

  • Isis Initiation

  • Healing from Past Lives (Witch Wound)

  • Abundance and Money Mindset Healing

  • Sex Magic

  • Priestess Codes Activation

  • Feminine Healing Practices

  • Forgiveness Ritual with the Masculine

  • Massage Demonstrations and Practice on Men

  • Priestess Initiation Ceremony

  • Sacred Priestess Gifts

Accommodation is available at an additional cost. A priestess photo shoot can be organized by us but at additional costs.*


Training Costs

US $3,333

(Covers Training, Food & accommodation)

What’s Included:

Accommodation Options

Our serene training space is nestled in the lush jungle of Tulum, Mexico, surrounded by the sacred waters of clear cenotes.

Choose from various accommodation options to suit your needs.

Prices are for the complete period of the training:

Cabaña with Queen Size Bed: $666 per cabana

Cabaña with Two Beds: $444 per bed

Apartment with 2 Individual Rooms: $666 per room

Feminine Practices for Healing & Empowerment

- Boundary Work

- Feminine Healing Practices

- Sisterhood Activation

- Healing from Past Lives (Witch Wound)

- Abundance and Money Mindset Healing

- Forgiveness Ritual with the Masculine & Feminine

Tantric Practices & Bodywork

- Holistic anatomy for men and women

- Sacred Opening Rituals

- Giving and receiving Tantra Massages and De-armouring practices from classical and modern tantra

- Massage Demonstrations and Practice on Men & Women including full body massage

- Opening energetic body/ Multi-orgasmic channels

- Lingam Massage

- Prostate Massage

Priestess Initiation

- Energetics and elemental wisdom in working with clients

- Isis Initiation

- Sex Magic

- Priestess Codes Activation

- Priestess Initiation Ceremony

- Sacred Priestess Gifts

*A priestess photo shoot can be organized by us for an additional cost.

The Schedule

Here's a tease of what you can expect during The Art of Touch Retreat…


3pm - Arrive and settle in, you can take this time to explore the land

5pm - Opening circle + introduction (let's get to know each other while receiving a full, clear breakdown of what is "tantra massage" and what we'll be doing together over these next few days)


8am - Tantra Yoga*

9am - Breakfast

10:15am -Lecture

11am - Massage Demo + Practice

2pm - Lunch

4:30pm - Massage Demo + Practice

7:30pm - Dinner

Evening Sharing circle


12pm - Departure

*Tantra Yoga is a meditative form of Hatha Yoga. We recommend you wear loose or comfortable clothes for the practice.

Ready to transform your life and

step into your purpose?

Submit this form and become part of a powerful sisterhood dedicated to healing and empowerment by booking a call with us:

Yes I consent to receiving emails and text messages. This form collects information we will use to send you updates about promotions, special offers, and news. We will not share or sell your personal information. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Yassmine Rose

Yassmine Rose Magdalene is a Sacred Sexual Embodiment Coach with over a decade of experience, guiding individuals on profound journeys of healing and transformation. She is certified in Tantra, Tantric Massage, Taoism, Shamanism, Theta Healing, Trauma & Somatics, Integrated Energy Therapy I & II, Mediumship, and Reiki I & II, and is also an Initiated Priestess.

In addition to her extensive spiritual training, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Arts. For more than ten years, Yassmine has worked with men, women, and couples to elevate their intimacy and deepen their relationships. Through personalized Tantra Coaching, immersive retreats, online programs, and transformative Tantric bodywork, she helps others awaken to their true potential for connection and pleasure.

Her passion is empowering those who feel disconnected from their body or spirit due to numbness, trauma, shame, or a lack of self-confidence. Yassmine’s work helps individuals reclaim their feminine and masculine power, enabling them to experience soul-awakening pleasure, step into their sacred purpose, and create fulfilling intimate relationships.

She draws deeply from the wisdom of the Rose Lineage, the Isis Hathor High Priestess Lineage, and the energies of Mary Magdalene, guiding women to unlock their divine codes and contribute to the healing of the planet as we collectively prepare for ascension.

Yassmine is known for her warmth, depth, and the sacred space she creates for those ready to embrace their highest self.

Laura Yoniverse

Laura is a Tao-Tantric Facilitator and Somatic Intimacy Coach. Trained in the ancient arts of sacred femininity.

She works in a trauma-informed manner, utilizing somatic tools to alchemize challenges and facilitate integration and deep somatic healing.

As a co-founder of the Tantric Priestess School, Laura is dedicated to serving women who feel called to be light-workers in this lifetime.

She believes that in order to heal others, we must also be held and that to give from fullness, we need to learn how to fill our own cup.

Aisha Romero

Aisha Romero is dedicated to helping women regain their feminine power and sexual well-being through Earth-based spirituality, Tao Tantric Arts, and Integral pelvic care.

She incorporates teachings from Toltec, Wixárika, Mexica-Nahuatl, and Mayan elders to merge ancient wisdom with contemporary healing practices, emphasizing unification, prayer, and ancestral healing.

Her journey led her to Asia, where she received training in sexual alchemical arts from Shashi Solluna and Minke De Vos. This deepened her healing around body sovereignty, sexual trauma, and the unity of masculine and feminine energies.

After addressing her own 3rd-degree prolapse and transgenerational sexual trauma, she became a certified pelvic floor therapist under Martin Beaudouin in 2019. She integrates trauma-informed care and energy healing into the sessions, offering a unique experience for those she serves.

Will you join us at Lake Atitlan OCT 19th?


What is included in this investment?

During the 10-day in person training, you’ll be provided food and get the chance to practice your skills and receive feedback. We will also have group rituals and initiations during this time.

Accommodation is not included in the price of the training.

How do I know if I am ready for this work?

If you feel that you are called to work within the sensual realms, are not afraid to do shadow work, and are ready to hold space for others’ transformation, you are ready. This work is not for those who cannot be with the dark. Laura will be here to guide you through how to take care of yourself as you heal others.

What makes this work sacred?

As a Tantric Priestess, you will work with the Goddesses and with sacred healing techniques and practices from ancient times. This work is aimed at healing through unconditional love, touch, and erotic energy.

What if I don’t feel very spiritual, but I want to help provide healing for others?

Your spirituality will evolve and transform as you learn more about this work but you don’t need to achieve a certain level of spirituality to work as a Priestess. As long as your intention is pure, you will be able to do this work with integrity.

What level of physical contact is there in a session?

No session includes sexual penetration, what it includes is how to open a man's energetic body, lingam massage, anal massage, 5 element tantra massage, how to stretch the  lingam and testies.

When you work on a woman you will be trained to give full body and intravaginal massage.

You always choose and set your own boundaries. It's up to you to decide whether there is mutual touch in a session, if there is an initial session without genital touch, and many other factors.

How much money can I make as a priestess?

Yulia has made as much as between $10,000 - $15,000 a month working as a Priestess. You could make even more with dedicated effort and by implementing the strategies we teach you.

How long will it take me to be able to work as a Priestess?

Once you graduate from the training, you will be fully equipped to start charging for sessions with clients. You will also have marketing and business knowledge to help you on your path as an entrepreneur. 

What if I can’t make it to the in-person training?

If you can’t come to the in-person training you can join next year. It’s also possible to only join the online part of this training. Although, we highly recommend doing the full journey for your own empowerment and the benefit of creating even deeper bonds within this sisterhood.

What if I don’t want to work as a Priestess, but I am interested in learning the techniques?

You don’t need to want to work as a Priestess to join this training. You will be able to use the techniques and practices you learn here with lovers, coaching clients, and with yourself. They are incredible healing tools that will elevate your life and the lives of those you share with.

Welcome to your Soul’s calling, Priestess.

A simple truth.

“Thalia’s retreat is not about physical practices or spiritual beliefs. It is about surrendering from the heart to a reality in which you can give love from a place of abundance, and it is about learning to receive love from a place of trust and belonging. It is a simple truth that has been difficult for me and I suspect others as well.

I have also learned that Tantra is a path of the heart to experience life through deep love as it is happening instead of through the pursuit of objectives and desires. You will learn and experience practical tools to release traumas, awaken to pleasure and to see firsthand the diversity in which others express their own love. Thalia has created a safe and nurturing environment so her students can stand on the shoulders of her years of study and practice of tantra, massage, yoga and love.” - Ennis

3 key Steps to Tantra Massage

  • Connection through breath & meditation between giver & receiver.

  • Application of oil to the body.

  • Massaging of the body with Ayurvedic techniques and various strokes using the hands, palms, forearms, and pressure to marmas (subtle & sensitive energy points in the body) to awaken and circulate life force energy.

  • Genital massage performed with deep respect and devotion.

  • The yoni, female genitals (in Sanskrit meaning “sacred space”) and lingam, male genitals (meaning “wand of light”) are massaged using specific techniques.

My life will never be the same.

“The Art of Touch was an experience of meeting God within my heart. It was 7 days of tantric spiritual practices and devotional loving touch for healing and liberation of the soul. I opened and surrendered to God so deeply that the love and deep devotion of my soul and purpose was awakened within.

My life will never be the same. It was a profound rebirth and remembering of what it means to love and what it means to be devotional to the highest embodiment of truth, light and the Divine. I will be delving into this immense awakening and devote, with all of my heart, to this new path of expansion for my own souls evolution.

Thank you for bringing me to this remembrance. With all of my devotion.”

—Nicole, Toronto, 37, Embodiment Guide & Retreat Facilitator

This life-changing 7 day retreat experience will be held within an intimate group.

Couples will have the option to work solely together or to exchange massage partners for the purpose of even deeper learning and development.

Singles will be partnered up to explore giving and receiving tantra massage in a safe, sacred and supportive atmosphere.

Your boundaries will always be honored.

Your feelings of safety will always come first.

An open-minded, mature and respectful attitude is of utmost importance in your participation.

The Art of Touch Retreat is by application only to ensure a harmonious group experience for all.

A miracle I got.

“This past week has been transformational for my partner and I, and our relationship.
We had been stuck for years, not really knowing how to reach out to one another.
I decided to bring him to this retreat as a last resort, hoping for a miracle. And a miracle I got.
Surrender, heart open. Those were my lessons. In all those moments of pleasure and pain, and energy coursing through my body, I realized that was the path to my liberation.
Both our liberating and soul finding journey has broken down all the walls we had built between us over the years. I can now feel more space, hope and possibilities for the More in our future.

I was gifted with so much this past week. I met so many mirrors. I felt deeply seen, held, and loved. I received the recognition and validation I needed to finally rise up to my full potential.
I’ve reclaimed so much of myself back, my pleasure, my voice, my power.
I am now standing in a firmer knowing of Who I Am.
I deeply thank you for your medicine, and for teaching us this medicine.
The space you held brought magic to us all.“

—Wendy, Montreal, 41 Entrepreneur

What you'll receive:

  • Accommodations for 7 days/6 nights at our lush jungle venue

  • All-inclusive 3 delicious daily vegetarian or vegan meals

  • Daily yoga sessions

  • Daily tantric teachings

  • Daily tantric massage lessons and practice sessions

  • Tantric rituals

As a Tantric Priestess, you will change your clients’ lives through sacred touch.

Some men will come to you with their heads down, unable to look a woman in the eye.

Some will come to you not having been touched lovingly in years.

Others will come to you disconnected from their sense of manhood because they’re not able to to get an erection.

And others will come to you unable to connect to a partner because they’re so disconnected from their feminine side.

There are many wounds the masculine is dealing with and many men are alone in their pain, with no one to talk to and no one to hold them in their grief.

You will be there to give them medicine, depending on their pain and needs. It could be through the touch of the Loving Mother, the hands of the Healer, or the sexual connection of the Sacred Whore.

As the Tantric Priestess, you will carry the codes and the channel to uplift these men. These men will leave your sessions with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that they are lovable and able to heal.

A Testimonial from one of our graduated

Tantric Priestesses!

*Please sincerely assess your level of readiness before joining.

No prior experience needed, however, we recommend some form of personal-development, self-responsibility & a mature attitude to join this retreat.

If you have currently have severe sexual trauma, we recommend seeing a trained trauma therapist to support you in your healing journey before joining this retreat.

Learn How to Heal Through Touch,

Unconditional Love, and Erotic Energy

After this training, you will be a confident and skillful Tantric Priestess who is fully equipped

with knowledge of healing practices and has tools to start a business.


- Channel and embody the Tantric Priestess Archetype and the Goddesses

- Take care of your energetic and physical body through feminine practices and tools

- Heal yourself and clear other people’s energy

- Move tantric energy within your own body, giving you confidence when working with clients

- Elevate a man's sexual and intimate life and help him connect his heart to his cock

- Move energy through the male erogenous zones and know which points in the body to activate

- Touch a man's testicles, anus, perineum, and body and prescribe the proper techniques to heal various ailments

- Promote your tantric business online and in person- Attract your dream clients and start building a client base

- Set healthy boundaries to protect your energy

4 Modules to Become a Tantric Priestess Practitioner

Module One: Awakening

Unlock your Priestess’ Wisdom to work with energy for healing & bliss

Are you ready to join this transformational journey?

The next step is to fill out the application form.

"What you seek, is seeking you."

  • - Rumi

1. Tantric Priestess Awakening

You’ll learn the history, lineage, and modern purpose of Sacred Priestess hood and connect it with your own sacred calling, purpose, and why. You’ll become ignited with passion and devotion to your work and learn to open energetic channels and cultivate sexual energy through your own self-work.

2. Energetic Channel Opening

Learn how to move energy through chakras and energetic channels in the body to call ease, healing, and vitality into your body and to your clients. Add breast massage to your Priestess Self-Care toolkit to cultivate your sexual energy, balance your female hormones & your inner masculine and feminine and connect your heart to your yoni.

3. Energetic Bodywork

Receive the codes of how to get your clients multi-orgasmic through chakra breathing and clear energetic blockages through a Chakra toning massage. Awaken the dark feminine within to protect and cleanse yourself. Learn how to clear stuck energies from past partners from your womb space through a Womb Clearing ritual in your Priestess-Self Care Kit.

Module Two: Empowerment

Learn the skills of a practicing Tantric Priestess and how take your clients

on a journey of sacred healing

4. Sacred Bodywork Fundamentals

Learn how to open sessions and hold the space for your work through sacred rituals and boundary setting. Tap into your ability to help the masculine process and release their emotions and discover the perfect flow for different session lengths.

5. Taoist Teachings on Erection Mastery and Sublimation

In this week, you’ll learn different techniques and practices to help your clients overcome erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and delayed ejaculation. Your clients will become more confident and creative in their lovemaking and find more pleasure in their daily lives.

6. Tantric Bodywork and Lingam Massage

Here you will learn the powerful bodywork and lingam massage techniques that heal trauma, activate orgasms, and open the channels for multi-orgasmic experiences. You will be equipped to help your clients conquer what is holding them back from truly living an embodied sensual life.

Module Three: Embodiment

Be confident and masterful as a Tantric Priestess and Practitioner

7. Tantric Breathwork & Full Body Orgasm

Go deeper with your own tantric priestess dance and Goddess worship. Learn to assist your clients with having full-body orgasms through powerful tantric breathwork.

8. Five Elements Tantra Massage & Tantric Kink

Learn the 5 Elements Tantra massage to clear your clients energetic centers and open their bodies to healing and bliss. Our bonus module on Tantric Kink will open a the world of conscious power and surrender.

9. Sex Magic

Be able to manifest your own desires with sex magic rituals of your own. You will also learn how to teach sex magic to your clients to help bring them closer to the life of their dreams and how to work safely in the Priestess realms.

Module Four: Actualization

Be confident and masterful as a Tantric Priestess and Practitioner

10. Sacred Business

This is the week where we get down to business and you learn how to make this calling your career. You will receive the tools and knowledge to start your own business, how to market yourself, and where to offer your services, so you will be ready to start booking clients as soon as you graduate from the training.

11. Integration

With all that we have learned over the past months, it’s important to integrate the experiences and knowledge. As you start to create your new career as a Tantric Priestess, we’ll be here to answer your questions and help you come to integration of your Priestesshood on all levels.

12. In-Person Practitioner Training

During our in-person training, you will have the chance to practice massages and techniques on men and receive our feedback. This will equip you to be fully confident and ready to charge for sessions as soon as you graduate. You will get the chance to connect to your fellow Priestesses and build a bond that will support you all as you begin your businesses.

We’re SO excited to bring Jamie Faye, our business coach, as a guest to our live event and the Tantric Priestess Practitioner Training. She’ll be sharing her wisdom on busting the myths that she’s helped hundreds of sacred business owners overcome to create prosperity in their soul-led work. She’ll give a lightning training at our live event, so don’t miss it!

Jamie’s a Tantrika and Taoist Priestess herself, breath worker, yoga teacher and experienced relationship coach for individuals and couples as well as a sacred business coach. She gets it and this is why we love working with her and are honored she’s here with us to support you too.

Jamie believes in you and wants to see you succeed!

You’ll also have the opportunity to continue with her inside her course Easeful Client Creation for Coaches & Creatives directly after this training to learn to create a sustainable flow of clients. This is the same course that we, Yulia and Laura, have worked with her in. It changed our lives!

Tantric Priestess Practitioner Training

Online Course & In Person(19.10.24 - 27.10.24)


What you're getting:

  • Access to the Tantric Priestess Course Portal for a period of 8 months (240 days) since purchase

  • 11 Weeks of 50+ On-Demand Video instruction

  • 12 live Q&A video calls & 3 support calls after the training finished

  • BONUS: 2 Modules on Client Creation & Live Q&A with our Business Coach Jamie Faye

  • Priestess Sisterhood Group Chat for support

  • 1 week of in-person training with live practice and feedback sessions

  • Food and accommodations for the week of live training

  • Priestess Initiation Ceremony

  • Priestess Photoshoot (additional cost)

  • Crystal dagger & Sacred Priestess items

Tantric Priestess Practitioner Training

Online Course Only (04.03.24 - 05.09.24


What you're getting:

  • Access to the Tantric Priestess Course Portal for a period of 8 months (240 days) since purchase

  • 11 Weeks of 50+ On-Demand Video instruction

  • 12 live Q&A video calls & 3 support calls after the training finished

  • BONUS: 2 Modules on Client Creation & Live Q&A with our Business Coach Jamie Faye

  • Priestess Sisterhood Group Chat for support

Tantric Priestess Practitioner Training

Online Course & In Person(19.10.24 - 27.10.24)


7 Monthly Installments

What you're getting:

  • Access to the Tantric Priestess Course Portal for a period of 8 months (240 days) since purchase

  • 11 Weeks of 50+ On-Demand Video instruction

  • 12 live Q&A video calls & 3 support calls after the training finished

  • BONUS: 2 Modules on Client Creation & Live Q&A with our Business Coach Jamie Faye

  • Priestess Sisterhood Group Chat for support

  • 1 week of in-person training with live practice and feedback sessions

  • Food and accommodations for the week of live training

  • Priestess Initiation Ceremony

  • Priestess Photoshoot (additional cost)

  • Crystal dagger & Sacred Priestess items

Tantric Priestess Practitioner Training

Online Course Only (04.03.24 - 05.09.24


4 Monthly Installments

What you're getting:

  • Access to the Tantric Priestess Course Portal for a period of 8 months (240 days) since purchase

  • 11 Weeks of 50+ On-Demand Video instruction

  • 12 live Q&A video calls & 3 support calls after the training finished

  • BONUS: 2 Modules on Client Creation & Live Q&A with our Business Coach Jamie Faye

  • Priestess Sisterhood Group Chat for support

What’s Included:

✔ Tantric Priestess Course Portal

✔ 12 Modules of 50+ On-Demand Video instruction

✔ 12 live Q&A video calls & 3 support calls after the training finished

✔ BONUS: 2 Modules on Client Creation with our Business Coach Jamie Faye & Live Q&A with Jamie

✔ Priestess Sisterhood Group Chat for support

✔ 1 week of in-person training with live practice and feedback sessions

✔ Food and accommodations for the week of live training

✔ Priestess Initiation Ceremony

✔ Priestess Photoshoot (additional cost)

✔ Crystal dagger & sacred Priestess items

A message from the Founders

Our desire is to create a space where women feel empowered, supported, validated, seen, and heard. We help provide our students a life where they don’t have to constantly navigate the challenges of how to align with their calling, how to create clients, how to start a business, and how to navigate the obstacles in the industry environment.

Instead, our students leave fully equipped to start working after the training. We provide a library of expert knowledge that covers all the aspects of Priestess hood as a service and business, including skillsets, initiations, marketing, coaching, and energetics.

From the moment they enter our training, they are led through how to take care of themselves, and their clients physically and energetically. They learn how to give high-level tantric massages, including which ones to use for what ailments. They leave knowing how to greet their clients, receive donations, and how to connect with their clients, themselves, and a higher power. Their work changes the lives of their clients.

We are here to support new Priestesses on this journey. We have worked through the shadows to step into the light and share this journey. We know the pitfalls, the challenges, and the healing necessary to do this work.

We have also been through other Tantric training run by people who are superior and who haven’t integrated their own teachers. Although we are human and may make mistakes, we hold ourselves to the highest level of care, compassion, and awareness. We are open to your concerns throughout the process, so you will feel heard and held.

We also facilitate trainees to create a sisterhood among themselves, which will feed and support them as they continue their journey as a Priestess.